
Utilizing the fundamentals with physical systems

A selection of experimental systems where magnetic resonance and quantum information science intersect presented in a digestible form for any background.
There are a wide array of physical systems whose behavior lies at the intersection of magnetic resonance and quantum information science. In this section, we will present a handful of such systems based on some of our current interests, while recognizing that this is just the tip of the iceberg of existing and potential physical systems with exciting and exploitable spin physics. Some systems will be presented in detail, building from the fundamentals for the new learner into more complex behaviors and applications, while others we present broadly while directing the interested reader towards more details.


Optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) with NV centers

Hello and welcome back! In a previous post, we introduced the electronic energy structure of the NV (technically NV) center. We saw that under optical excitation, there are multiple relaxation pathways, both radiative and non-radiative. The state was more likely to undergo the radiative relaxation pathway and emit a photon as compared to the state. […]

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NV Electronic Energy Structure

Hello! In this blog post we will be introducing the nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond. The NV center is an exciting physical system with potential applications in quantum information and sensing, nanotechnology, and biomedicine. Many of these applications emerge from the unique spin properties of the NV center, making it a perfect system to […]

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Utilizing the fundamentals with physical systems

A selection of experimental systems where magnetic resonance and quantum information science intersect presented in a digestible form for any background

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Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

This series of posts lays out the foundational postulates of quantum mechanics using the two-level system of spin 1/2 particles as our model. In additionto a mathematical description of these postulates, MATLAB and Python code is included to show how to translate these ideas in a coding environment.

These posts will provide the mathematical foundation for more complex concepts in quantum mechanics and magnetic resonance, and the building blocks for code development of spin dynamics.
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Quantum Insights