Magnetic Resonance
Quantum Information
Science and Education

About Us

Our Purpose

This page is a notebook in construction shared by learner for learners at the intersection of magnetic resonance and quantum information science. The contributors know that there is a huge opportunity for science, innovation and education at the intersect of MARQUISE, but have been stumped by a language and knowledge barrier in navigating quantum information science that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries of chemistry, physics, biology, material science, and computer science.

We are sharing our “notes” in real time in the form of blogs and commentary, but do not claim to be comprehensive nor representative in any form. We welcome feedback and guest contributions. Every topic below is a MARQUISE educational and has options for commentaries.

Featured Blog

Optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) with NV centers

Hello and welcome back! In a previous post, we introduced the electronic energy structure of the NV (technically NV) center. We saw that under optical excitation, there are multiple relaxation pathways, both radiative and non-radiative. The state was more likely to undergo the radiative relaxation pathway and emit a photon as compared to the state. […]

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Featured Blog

NV Electronic Energy Structure

Hello! In this blog post we will be introducing the nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond. The NV center is an exciting physical system with potential applications in quantum information and sensing, nanotechnology, and biomedicine. Many of these applications emerge from the unique spin properties of the NV center, making it a perfect system to […]

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Featured Blog

Expectation Values & Wavefunction Collapse

This series of posts lays out the foundational postulates of quantum mechanics using the two-level system of spin 1/2 particles as our model. In additionto a mathematical description of these postulates, MATLAB and Python code is included to show how to translate these ideas in a coding environment.

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Featured Blog

Pauli Exclusion Principle

This series of posts lays out the foundational postulates of quantum mechanics using the two-level system of spin 1/2 particles as our model. In addition to a mathematical description of these postulates, MATLAB and Python code is included to show how to translate these ideas in a coding environment. These posts will provide the mathematical […]

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Featured Blog

Quantum Mechanics in the light of spins

A theoretical toolkit for understanding spin physics and quantum information science, starting with the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and building into more complex topics

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Featured Blog

Picturing spins in a new light

Using visual tools to deepen our insight into and intuition of complex ideas in spin physics and quantum information

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Featured Blog

Utilizing the fundamentals with physical systems

A selection of experimental systems where magnetic resonance and quantum information science intersect presented in a digestible form for any background

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Featured Blog

Digging your way through the jungle

Our thoughts on the current literature, including literature responses and structures for approaching the vast array of existing papers

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Our Blogs


Digging your way through the jungle

Our thoughts on the current literature, including literature responses and structures for approaching the vast array of existing papers.
There is a huge amount of literature on magnetic resonance and quantum information science, but the esoteric language of each field can make it difficult to bridge ideas across them. In this section, we present blogs that present important papers in the attempt to translate their ideas into an approachable language for either perspective. We also put forward some structural frameworks to help the curious reader sort through the vast library of current literature based on their own background and interests.


Quantum Mechanics in the light of spins

A theoretical toolkit for understanding spin physics and quantum information science, starting with the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and building into more complex topics.
The theory of Quantum Mechanics is rich in its mathematical beauty and power for describing the microscopic physical world. In these blogs, we present Quantum Mechanics from the perspective of spins physics, utilizing the language of magnetic resonance to introduce and understand the key ideas underlying Quantum Information Science. Beginning from the postulates of Quantum Mechanics, this section aims to equip the reader with the theoretical background required to understand complex concepts in magnetic resonance and Quantum Computing.


Approaching the life of spins using a computer

Computation techniques for magnetic resonance, ranging from the basics of 1D spectra to many-spin systems and machine learning methods.
Computation simulation of spin systems has a rich history in magnetic resonance, and is a powerful tool for predicting behavior, interpreting data, and discovering new experimental techniques. In this section, blogs will present functions for simulating basic magnetic resonance experiments in multiple  coding languages, techniques for developing more complex algorithms, and introduce a framework for utilizing machine learning to approach problems in spin physics.


Utilizing the fundamentals with physical systems

A selection of experimental systems where magnetic resonance and quantum information science intersect presented in a digestible form for any background.
There are a wide array of physical systems whose behavior lies at the intersection of magnetic resonance and quantum information science. In this section, we will present a handful of such systems based on some of our current interests, while recognizing that this is just the tip of the iceberg of existing and potential physical systems with exciting and exploitable spin physics. Some systems will be presented in detail, building from the fundamentals for the new learner into more complex behaviors and applications, while others we present broadly while directing the interested reader towards more details.


Picturing spins in a new light

Using visual tools to deepen our insight into and intuition of complex ideas in spin physics and quantum information.
Quantum mechanics, including the physics of magnetic resonance, is often presented through a mathematical framework, as this offers a natural language for the description of quantum systems. However, this mathematical approach may not be ideal for everyone, and for many concepts appropriate visual aids can help develop intuition and understanding. In this section, we will present methods and tools for the visualization of spin systems and Quantum Information Science, using these as a complement to the rigorous mathematical approach to allow for new perspectives on complex ideas.

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Our Contributors

Songi Han

I am a scientist and a magnetic resonance enthusiast who is passionate about the beauty and power of science that I wish to make accessible to a broader audience. I am a Professor of Chemistry, currently at Northwestern University, and have been performing research in electron and nuclear magnetic, starting out as an Assistant Professor in 2004 at UC Santa Barbara, 20 years ago.

Quentin Stern

Chemist by training, I’m passionate about spin physics. What I enjoy most is confronting theory and experiment, using all possible creativity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan.

Joshua Straub

With a background in physics and nuclear magnetic resonance, I am excited by innovative ideas at the intersection of quantum physics, chemistry, and biology about sharing this excitement with others within and outside the scientific community.

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Yu SciVis & Art LLC (Dr. Chung-Jui Yu)
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NetzOptimize Inc.

Quantum Insights